Summer Hill Baptist Ministers to Women of All Ages

In 2022, the Ladies Bible Circle began meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2 pm rather than evening hours. Since its organization, Ladies Bible Circle has met on the 1st Tuesday of the month (except July and August) in homes and later in the church fellowship hall for Bible study. As needed, special projects for the church and opportunities for service are discussed and carried out.  This is a great time of Bible study and fellowship. Come join us.

The Bible Circle was organized on January 5, 1954. The Circle soon had 38 members. When the circle was first organized, it was basically a Bible study with different ladies as teachers. The Bible Circle has had the Lord’s blessing all these years and because of this we have asked for God’s guidance in our projects. Some of the projects that we have been able to sponsor include buying new church hymnals, shrubbery for the church, glass top and cloths for communion table, flower stands, table cloths, supplies and electrical equipment for the fellowship hall, furniture for the Prophet’s Chamber and nursery, furniture for the foyer and chairs for the choir. In the past, the annual Christmas Banquet and Mother Daughter Banquet was sponsored by the Bible Circle.  Poinsettias for the sanctuary at Christmas and Easter lilies for Easter were coordinated by the Bible Circle.  Our ministry includes fruit baskets and cookies for our shut ins at Thanksgiving. We also donate to our missionaries and have given scholarships for some of our teens to attend camp.